Exhaust & Inlet Manifolds
The exhaust manifold had a broken stud, so I bought a replacement from EBay which has been sand blasted, re-finished in heat resistant silver and fitted with new studs, see below.
The inlet manifold was badly corroded, so I had it refurbished by Ian Gittings (Sponmon) who specialises in this type of work. He degreased it, de-burred the outer faces, attempted to undo the banjo bolt, at which time it broke! He then machined out the broken remnants, ground off the other end of the fitting and drilled and removed the threaded part left in the manifold. The threads were then "picked" out, and the correct tap run down, then drilled the manifold through with the correct size drill (13mm) to clear out the semi blocked through hole. While doing this work I asked Ian to fit another adapter for the hose from the vacuum servo to fit onto. He decided that as the thread that was needed in the manifold to take the adaptor was too large (as the material thickness of the manifold in the area where it has to be fitted is only approximately 4 mm thick) he would use a boss with the correct thread in it and finish it to fit to the manifold, trial fit it and secure it in position with a 6mm tapped hole, which he will use to lock the boss in position while it is TIG WELDED in position. He will then machine the mating surfaces flat on the manifold, then glass bead blast it. Below is the inlet manifold after it was removed from the car.
The following pictures were supplied by Ian Gittings.
Below : The finished manifold, prior to fitting (note the additional input fabricated for the vacuum servo).