The Triumph GT6



Information on the GT6 (all marks), which I have accumulated over the past years (there are around 90 + pages so far), and which could form the basis of a new book! I think GT6s have been under-appreciated and undervalued for some time, hopefully this is now changing. Please note the 2021 Re-Assembly Blog includes up to the present date (2023).

"These lovely six-cylinder cars drove with verve, had style and were so damned characterful. Buy one now before prices go berserk" - Lance Cole (Motoring Writer).


Website Testimonials.

Website by Patrick Faleur. It is updated frequently, so please come back! The above copyright-free pictures are from the Standard-Triumph brochures of the three marks. Do check out my re-assembly blog, which I'm now using as an online diary! PLEASE NOTE My DW add-on to create menus no longer works with the current version of Dreamweaver, so I've added 2022 to the end of the 2021 blog!


GT6 Mk2